NCRA's Certified Legal Video Specialist (CLVS) Program
The NCRA Certified Legal Video Specialist program sets and enforces standards for competency in the capture, utilization, and retention of legal video and promotes awareness of these standards within the legal marketplace. NCRA strongly recommends the use of a Certified Legal Video Specialist to ensure the integrity of both the videotaped legal proceedings and the utilization of the electronically recorded media. A CLVS has been trained on the professional standards, ethics, and responsibilities of creating and maintaining the record.
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Becoming certified and NCRA membership
The CLVS certification process is comprised of three steps. Candidates must attend an online workshop and pass both a written and a production exam. For more information about the certification process, including upcoming dates and registration fees, visit the CLVS Certification page.
Anyone who has been certified by the Association as a legal video specialist (CLVS) is eligible to become an Associate Member. You do not need to be certified to join, however you must have begun the certification process. Learn more here.
Visit our social networking section for information on CLVS networking and connecting with NCRA.
NCRA PROLink online includes all current NCRA members, including CLVSs. Find other CLVSs by filtering your search for services offered and software used.

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