Early Langley, RMR


Danville, California

Early Langley is a freelance court reporter from Danville, Calif. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California at Berkeley and is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate. She holds the nationally recognized professional certification of Registered Merit Reporter (RMR) and the Realtime Systems Administrator certificate.

At the national level, Langley currently serves on the NCRF’s Corrine Clark Oversight Committee. She is a past member of NCRA’s Ethics First and Nominating committees.

At the state level, Langley is a past president of the California Court Reporters Association (CCRA), one of the largest associations of diverse court reporters in the country. During her service as CCRA president, California witnessed a massive restructuring of official reporters when, for the first time, freelancers, hired privately, were tasked with covering trials.

Langley has had articles published in many California Bar Association journals and the JCR magazine, the three most notable of which are "The Helter Skelter Trial Memoir," "Dollars for Depos," and "Lost in Digital Translation." She has also presented numerous seminars, the latest of which are a series entitled “The Fluctuant Freelancer 1.0 and 2.0.”

Currently she reports complex, high‐profile trials webcast by CVN. The cases require multiple realtime hookups.