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Displaying results 1 - 10 of 39

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  • Protecting the Reporter's Impartiality

    by John J. Prout Jr. Though court reporters normally play an unobtrusive role in the legal system, we do stand out for one primary reason: In a contentious environment where two parties struggle for victory, the court reporter remains neutral and impartial, ensuring through his or her efforts in making the record that each party will be treated fairly whether in the courtroom or the deposition sui…

    Categories: Advocacy

  • Who's Responsible for the Bill?

    By Pete Wacht, CAE The answer depends on where you are. Yet, more and more, judges are holding attorneys responsible for reporters' fees rather than the attorney's clients. For obvious reasons, getting paid is an issue close to the heart of most reporters. And, in fact, it continues to appear in the JCR as new rules or favorable case law emerges to support the argument that the attorne…

    Categories: Advocacy

  • Court Reporter for Grand Jury Hearings

    State ER in grand jury proceedings Alabama Court reporters and ER may be used in grand jury hearings. Alaska All proceedings before the grand jury are electronically recorded. Arizona   Arkansas   California Court reporters are used in grand jury hearings. Colorado   Connecticut Court reporters and ER may be used in grand jury hearings. A grand juror may express personal prefe…

    Categories: States, Professionals, Advocacy

  • Members Only
    Can You Swear in a Witness Over the Telephone?

    Telephone depositions are a common occurrence for many court reporters - and are perhaps more common than these reporters would like. Some of the problems associated with telephone depositions - not being able to hear the witness, garbled speech, poor phone connection, several participants who all sound alike and don't identify themselves - make an already challenging assignment all the more diffi…

    Categories: Ethics and Business Practices, Advocacy

  • Attorney Responsibility for Reporter Fees

    The issue of who's responsible for the bill - the attorney or the attorney's client - has dogged the reporting profession for decades. Traditionally, courts have held that the attorney is an agent and thus is not personally liable for contracts made on behalf of a principal unless there is an express agreement to the contrary. However, in recent years, courts have been following a modified view of…

    Categories: Professionals, Advocacy, Ethics and Business Practices

  • Writing an Effective Letter to the Editor

    How to Write an Effective Letter to the Editor Write your letter immediately. Timeliness is imperative. Make sure you have read the entire article before writing your letter. Include the title, date, and author in your letter, preferably in the first sentence. Use the pyramid style — your most important fact and conclusion comes first and your least important fact and conclusion…

    Categories: Advocacy

  • Members Only
    Who is Using ER?

    How does digital recording work? The use of recording equipment to produce a record of legal proceedings has evolved over its history. The systems are no longer just analog tape systems that capture all the voices onto one tape. They have evolved into digital audio recording systems that utilize multiple channels and are capable of recording each individual who is speaking on a different trac…

    Categories: Advocacy

  • ER Resource Library - Reports

    This Electronic Resource Library allows you to browse individual documents on issues concerning electronic recording (ER). Please feel free to use these articles for your information and research purposes. We will continue to add material as it becomes available. Reports Opinion Dynamics Electronic Recording Cost Study Court Reporting Technology JRI, part 1 Part one contains th…

    Categories: Resources, Advocacy

  • Members Only

    The Issue  Exclusive third-party contracting arrangements between court reporters and large organizations who are often parties to civil cases, such as insurance companies, bring into question the impartiality of the court reporter, one of the cornerstones of the profession.

    Categories: Advocacy

  • ER Resource Library - States

    This Electronic Resource Library allows you to browse individual documents on issues concerning electronic recording (ER). Please feel free to use these articles for your information and research purposes. We will continue to add material as it becomes available. States Alabama - Georgia County Courts To Phase Out Court Reporters FLLee and Collier counties criminal courts will be starting…

    Categories: Advocacy, Committee, Professionals

Displaying results 1 - 10 of 39

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