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  • Angel Donor Program

    The Angels program is a major source of support for the National Court Reporters Foundation (NCRF). Angels display their commitment to the future of the profession by donating a minimum of $1,000 to NCRF within a year.

    Categories: NCRF, Fundraising, Foundation

  • More About NCRF's Legacy Society

    Estate planning is critical to everyone If you don’t plan ahead, the government will determine the fate of your assets. Be sure your will is up to date. By planning ahead, you control where your assets will go. You also get the peace of mind and your family won’t have the tremendous stress of straightening out your estate. Remember charitable giving in your planning. Charitable giving…

    Categories: Fundraising, Professionals, NCRF, Foundation, Donations

  • NCRF Legacy Society

    The Legacy Society is NCRF’s planned giving program, which individuals may join by providing for NCRF in their estate planning.

    Categories: Fundraising, Professionals, NCRF, Foundation, Donations

  • Natural Disaster Relief Fund

    The NCRF Natural Disaster Relief Fund was formed to assist National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) court reporters, captioners, or CLVSs who face hardship in the event of a natural disaster.

    Categories: NCRF, Fundraising, Foundation

  • Angels Donors

    List of NCRF Angel donors by year. Make a difference to your profession and become an Angel donor.

    Categories: Fundraising, NCRF, Foundation, Donations

  • Major Gifts Program

    Major Gifts donors make contributions of $5,000 or more in a calendar year. There are three contribution levels: a Silver contribution, which reflects donations of $5,000 to $24,999; a Gold contribution, which reflects donations of $25,000 to $49,999; and a Platinum contribution, which reflects donations of $50,000 and higher.

    Categories: Fundraising, NCRF, Foundation, Donations