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Displaying results 21 - 23 of 23

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  • Court Reporting Program Approval

    The Council on Approved Student Education (CASE), part of the National Court Reporters Association, establishes the General Requirements and Minimum Standards (GRMS).

    Categories: Students, Schools

  • Student Membership

    Student membership is available to students currently enrolled in a formal stenographic court reporting, captioning, or scoping program.

    Categories: Schools, Students, Instructors and School Administrators, Students, Membership, Schools

  • Student Shortage

    To combat the issue of student shortages and to respond to the increasing demand for reporters who are realtime trained, NCRA has taken a multifaceted hands-on approach to advancing education for court reporters. NCRA's efforts have led to a dramatic improvement, with student enrollment increasing almost 38 percent at NCRA-approved programs after an almost decade-long decline in enrollment. Outrea…

    Categories: Advocacy, Schools

Displaying results 21 - 23 of 23

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